Welcome to the world of the Spirit Animal Oracle! Nature is the long-lost instrument of divine communication and expression that has lain hidden in plain sight since time began.
The world around us is rich with Soul; every animal has a transcendent archetypal symbolism, a universal meaning holding a message of deep, enduring truth.
Internationally acclaimed oracle expert and best-selling author Colette Baron-Reid has created a unique oracle card deck that opens a gateway to Spirit through the archetypal energies of the living beings that share our planet.
Animals are allies for our souls and act as our teachers and sacred healers-but our disconnected way of life has often blinded us to this truth. Now, however, our world is poised for a shift as we begin to hear a call to renew our sacred connection to all that is. The 68 cards in this deck are tools to enable our transformation.
Each animal, two-legged or four-legged, feathered or finned, from water, earth, or sky, has the potential to deliver a special message aligned with your authentic need, arriving at just the right time and place. Each carries a transcendent archetypal symbolism and offers a message of enduring truth to help you act in a way that brings purpose, prosperity, and magic to your life.
Every card in the deck has an essential meaning (for Antelope Spirit, it's "Life is speeding up!") along with a detailed Oracle Message and a helpful Protection Message. Canary Spirit, Dragonfly Spirit, even Electric Eel Spirit- all have essential wisdom to impart, if you're ready to listen.
Anytime you're wavering or feel a longing for a deeper connection to Spirit, simply reach for the cards and allow the spirits of the animal world to step forward and be your guides.