CYCLONE ALFRED UPDATE: Our online store is available to purchase 24/7 however orders will not be shipped till we are able to make it to the Post Office. We are located in an area that is prone to flooding hence the shipping delay. This could not be until late next week. Sorry for any inconvenience. Stay Safe. Free Shipping On Australian Orders Over $150 *Conditions Apply

How to stuff your Cowhide Pouffe

Cowhide Pouffe Stuffing

Our unstuffed Cowhide pouffes can be filled with a variety of different materials depending on what you have available and the kind of finish you wish to achieve.

For a soft and light beanbag-style pouffe, we recommend using a filling of polystyrene balls, foam chips, old plastic bags or scrunched up newspapers. If using polystyrene beads it is advisable to use a liner, for example an old pillow case, and fill in the bath or outside as the beads have a tendency to escape!

To achieve a firmer, heavier pouffe try using cotton, felt, or wool fabrics. We’ve also found that old towels and sheets work well – and it’s eco friendly too!

How To Stuff Your Cowhide Pouffe

1. Make sure the material you are using is clean and dry

2. The zipper is located on the bottom of the pouffe. Unzip the pouffe and open it out to its full shape

3. Start by gradually filling the sides at the top of your pouffe to ensure that all the nooks and crannies are fully stuffed. This will prevent dimples and bumps in the finished pouffe

4. Continue stuffing evenly – add a layer of stuffing and push it down firmly (again, ensuring that the sides and seams are fully filled out) before moving on to add another layer

5. Continue until the pouffe is full

The pouffe will bed down over time and more filling can then be added as required.